Originally Posted by Ideal Web Tech
I will hopefully be releasing a few more addons for this system soon. Right now I am in the hospital so how soon I get some of the ones I have been thinking about making will really depend on how well I can think and how I feel since they are keeping me heavily medicated right the moment.
I would also like to thank Phalynx for adding me as a co-supporter for this modification as me and him have been talking for a bit about it and about ideas and ways to improve apon the modification. So I am sure I will be releasing quite a few addons over the coming weeks as well as helping to contribute to the development of this modification to make sure we make this the best mod of this type ever and hopefully make it the best that will ever be made.
Just so everybody knows I will only support people who have the modification marked as installed as I am taking on this extra role to help out with this modification as it has alot of potential and I want to help get it where it could be and I don't have time to support people who don't feel the need to click installed.
Awesome. Looking forward to see what the two of you come up with together. =)