$vote = $db->query_read("SELECT forum.forumid, forum.title, forum.parentid, poll.pollid, poll.voters, pollvote.voteoption
FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "forum AS forum
LEFT JOIN " . TABLE_PREFIX . "poll AS poll ON(poll.pollid = forum.forumid)
LEFT JOIN " . TABLE_PREFIX . "pollvote AS pollvote ON(pollvote.pollid = poll.pollid)
ORDER BY forum.title
while ( $vote2 = $db->fetch_array($vote)) {
$voters = fetch_censored_text($vote2['voters']);
if ($swapped == 0) {
$tempvoters = $voters;
} else {
$tempvoters = $tempvoters;
if ($tempvoters > 0) {
$voteoption = fetch_censored_text($vote2['voteoption']);
$cheapest = $cheapest + $voteoption;
$swapped == 1;
} else {
$vote2['title'] = fetch_censored_text($vote2['title']);
$vote2['forumid'] = fetch_censored_text($vote2['forumid']);
$cheapest == 0;
$swapped == 0;
eval('$vote3 .= "' . fetch_template('Votes') . '";');
I'm trying to create a mod that pulls the Forum Title and matching Poll Votes. The trouble is, I need to add the Poll Votes together for each Poll.
The above code sort of works but it stops before it's pulled all the data, I think this has something to do with the while loop running it's course before it's retrieved all the info.
Example of what 'm trying to achieve
Forum 1 (45 Vote Total)
Forum 2 (0 Vote Total)
Forum 3 (22 Vote Total)
Forum 4 (14 Vote Total)
I hope that's clear enough, and thanks for looking.