I'm getting a SQL error when I attempt to transfer payments from Paypal Donations for 3.5.0. I omitted some of the error that had names and email addresses. It referred to a specific transaction. When I deleted that specific transaction and retried the transfer it generated the same error message with the next transaction. Any ideas? Also, I was looking to purchase Pro but the product pages don't work on your site.
mySQL query error: INSERT INTO awc_dsl_payments (method,txn_id,userid,verify_sign,first_name,last_name,payer_business_name,address_name,address_street,address_city,address_state,address_zip,address_country,address_status,payer_email,payer_id,payer_status,business,receiver_email,receiver_id,item_name,item_number,quantity,invoice,notify_version,memo,tax,option_name1,option_selection1,option_name2,option_selection2,payment_date,parent_txn_id,txn_type,payment_type,payment_status,pending_reason,reason_code,mc_gross,mc_fee,mc_currency,mc_handling,mc_shipping,settle_amount,settle_currency,exchange_rate,case_id,case_type,case_creation_date) VALUES ('Paypal','2GH31384Y66404812','268','AFcWxV21C7fd0v3bYYYRCpSSRl31AA4qWuN2U-I53JRh4WSb291ynz4t',
mySQL error: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 't even know if the donate button is ready but I don't mind pitching in. Keep up ' at line 1
mySQL error code:
Date: Sunday 11th 2008f May 2008 08:03:02 PM