Originally Posted by yingzhou
thank you!
already installed!
You're welcome
Originally Posted by Super Jinni
I noticed that it can't be upgraded from the last version to this one, if I import the product and enabled overwriting, it installed as new product beside the first release so I have now tow of this product and I think you should fix this or post a note for uninstalling the first one first..
Works for me... You may have had the version for 3.6.x installed (ID = Sorky01) and then installed the version for 3.7.x (ID = Sorky02) or visa-versa... That could be why and is something I've seen.
If you can repeat this behavior, PM me your URL and I'll have a look at your system.
Originally Posted by Super Jinni
another issue
SubForum Outer Box (table) formatting doesn't work in the new release
Works for me (see Pic attached which is my "Test" that checks virtually all of the functionality - ugliness is for testing sake only

)... You may have had the two installed when you saw this.
If you can repeat this behavior, PM me your URL and I'll have a look at your system.
Originally Posted by vitrag24
thx 4 quick update..
is there any bugs?
shd i update directly or wait?
All works for me, and seems to be fine for "yingzhou"... Try it (you can always uninstall it and re-download & install 1.2.0)