Hey rob, is it possible to make United States be at the top?
Originally Posted by AdmiralGeek
They can use a better one, that is why I inputted examples. But the main concept is the core of your source code.
The script is "mailing a cell phone". Not just for "forum" use.
*this is not a means to turn people off of this script, just a justification of it's technicalities*
You have programmed it to adaptable to VBB in accordance to it's function.
I have passed on the concept to managerial personal within meteor Ireland, so they can evaluate the congestion and prospect of a Web based APP intrusion.
I am trying to demonstrate to you, about releasing this source code in public view, it is quite easy to reverse this. And Jelsoft should be weary too, as they are hosting responsibility. You should however, encrypt it with ion cube, or zend guard, and publish it on a different domain. And create a more thorough installation procedure.
All the script is doing is mailing another phone via it's email. I don't understand how this program could be a threat of national security -_-. If someone really wanted to spam a cell phone, all they would have to do is create a function that would mass send a message, which this modification does not support.