Originally Posted by AdmiralGeek
nope, needs to be ported.
I should add to this, and I do not mean in a negative way. The script can be easily converted as a standalone. And can cause massive congestion on the mail servers through a function assigned to a loop.
When you send the request, it can be looped to what ever numerical value you may like and incremented to what ever numerical value you want assigned to a $variable (as an example). Say multiplying this value by *90. And having your .ini timeout set to a high value.
I do see that you have provided security by means of an ID, this can be easily changed to simply echoing and applied to a logical statement. Or even a conditional statement.
There was a similar script release a couple of years ago, and was shut down as it provided malicious means. It was then further released, but this time, the source code was "closed" as in encrypted.
This is only directed towards mobile/cellular phone providers that offer the email as free.
It is very original, but it can cause havoc on a mass scale. I'm surprised that it is allowed to be released here. As it should a standalone AND "closed source"
If someone really wanted to use a script to flood a mailserver, they could use a better one than this I'm sure. This is obviously much more than just mailing a cell phone, it's integrating your forums with your texting services for convenience and coolness. What people do with it beyond that is their responsibility and not mine.