Thanks for that Karim!
My I suggest that you change the way the banners codes are embed in the templates? It seems like a lot of people are complaining about the banner positions (not centred etc.), which will always because everyone wants them positioned differently. In actual fact, it's very easy to change the position of the ads yourself (just edit the Ad Location Templates), but some people would rather complain that sort it out for them selves. SO here is my recommendation.
In the ad CP, have a box that contains the CSS for each ad position. You could supply the default code, but this would put the responsibility on the user to align his/her ads the way they want. This is in a effect what I have done. My ad location templates are all empty (except for the $ad_ID) and are wrapped in a DIV tag that is then styled using CSS. A much better way of doing it.
This would cut down on a large amount of your support questions.
Also, my other question was what is the difference between the FooterStart ad and the FooterEnd ad? It seems that your plugin only uses FooterEnd, so why even have FooterStart in there? I couldn't figure out a way to use the FooterStart ad even if I wanted to use it.