Thats not a simple question, theres alot of different aspects to creating products. One tip I have for your though, if you want to add options to the adminCP you will need to create a 'cpnav_yourfilename.xml' and place it in the includes/XML/ folder. Look at some of the existing cpnav_whatever.xml files that are in that folder to give you an idea of how it should be structured. You will notice that you need to use phrases in those files, you will have to define those phrases in VB either with the phrase manager or through a product.xml file but phrases that you want to use as cpnav options need to be of type 'Control Panel Home Pages'. Also when creating the php page that will be linked to from those options in the admincp you might want to check out the file 'includes/adminfunctions.php'. VB offers alot of functions to create forms/tables in the admincp that will automatically keep with the style of the controlpanel in that file.