Originally Posted by madscientist06
Sounds great, but I'm a little slow and please excuse my newbieness!
A couple questions:
# Import the product.
Where? How? Could you list the steps?
# Open the FORUMDISPLAY template.
What is the full file name of the template and where can I find it (e.g. folder)?
Am I editing this from my PC or from VB?
Thanks much!

to import the product:
1- download the product
2- in the Admin CP scroll down to the page
On the left choose :
Plugins & Products > Manage Products
then scroll down again and to the bottom till you find
[Add/Import Product] then press on it
3- then under
Import Product press
Browse and then choose the product form were you save it in
4- press Import
and you're done
to edit the template:
1- in the admin CP on the left choose:
Styles & Templates> Search in Templates
2- type in empty box:
FORUMDISPLAY and then press
2- in the results look for the style that you're currently using or which you want to use this product with if you have more than one style and from the list of the style you should see the template
Forum Display Templates
3- press on the Template named
FORUMDISPLAY twice then you can edit it as mentioned
and you're done..