Originally Posted by Jah-Hools
Yeah I would like that very much too. I have also seen it.
And to be able to custom nominate 'top 10 tags' in a side column would be an EXCELLENT way to steer the direction of a forum and to educate newbies (and thus keep regulars happy)
Are Zoints tags going to get some love in the future? They have been neglected for FAR too long now..
That is a cool idea Jah (the top 10 tags.) I'll tell the engineers about that.
And yes, we'll be working on an update to Thread Tags in the future. We just put out ZL which was a pretty big release and have some work to do on that, but in terms of products, Thread Tags was the next one we wanted to give some attention to in the future.
Originally Posted by Loco.M
just wondering why we would add a thread tag mod when one is built into 3.7?
Hi Loco,
For many of the reasons Mark mentioned is why you might. Now if you have vBulletin default tags and see no problem with it, then it might be the right choice for you and your forum and we understand that. But we do provide some neat things that the default tags do not (and vice versa.) From what we can tell, its a bit like Coke vs Pepsi, some prefer one and others prefer the alternative.... it just depends on your taste. We have some who really like Thread Tags and really wanted an update so we made sure we got a fix out for 3.7x with the rewritten AJAX so they could continue using it.
Also, Zoints Thread Tags are needed for users of Zoints Local 2 who use the Community Central feature.
By the way, I hope everyone had a great 4th of July. Sorry about not getting to these sooner.
- Reid