Originally Posted by Sarcoth
I'd like some feedback from those of you interested in a multiple roster. I've thought up a few ways that I can go with this but I'd really only be willing to go one route.
How are you handling permissions on your forum? Is everyone in the same usergroup and you are using profile fields to distinguish the guild/game they are in? Or do you have a different usergroup for each guild/game?
I've thought about going with the usergroup route, but I fear it may limit adjustments and can really get complicated. The better way to go would be creating a new profilefield (I recommend multiselection checkbox) that gives either just you (private) or the members (open) the choice to pick what guilds/games they are a part of.
After that, I should be able to set up a way that you will get to each individual roster by adding a little extra string at the end of your showroster.php command; like showroster.php?goto=guild/game.
Either way, I can forsee quite a few coding changes from your side to get it to work. Easy enough if you can follow directions though. Mainly would just need to add coding to the showroster.php to identify each individual guild/game.
Something to think about. I will probably get started on the code tonight but my time right now is light so it may take awhile for me to get it working. I'll post an update when able.
Whilst I have no particular need for an inbuilt multi-roster system, I have to say I don't think a profile field option would be the best route. As far as I'm aware, profile fields aren't linked to permissions, such as view certain forums, or have certain moderating powers - which is probably quite important to many multi clan/guild communities.