Mr. Hoddz
watermark is in fact a image, a png file and you can see a sample on the first post on screen shoots section.
To install this mod you will need to edit your functions_album.php that is on includes folder as described, up load this edited file to your ftp and after that install the plug in that's in the first post.
Just a tip, this must me installed as a plug in not as a product.
I made my self a png file using photoshop, that in fact it's just my site name in a clear background. I used the same resulotion of the watermark sample here to see how it goes and it was good enough. This watermake.png must be up-loaded to your forum root.
That's just what I did, 5 minutes and work great.
Last thing. This will just work on your albums not in regular images or files you place in your forums. If you already has users with tons of pictures the watermark will be added just in photos up-load after you install this mod, there won't be any effect on old images.