Splash pages are not a good idea, as said by a whole load of designers and those in usability, and keyword stuffing on a splash page is both pointless and could get you banned from Google. It's also pretty silly to have a splash page, then a portal and then the forums if the forums are the only attraction on your site, so remove the splash page or replace it with a more informative, useful page and remove the portal.
You may also want to upgrade to 3.7, or at least 3.6.10 because a supposed security flaw was found in versions of vBulletin before that one. Don't worry, there aren't too many style changes.
You should also change the welcome, which is very vague (you MAY have to register before)... and to be honest, the stats are a bit much. On the good side, you've got a decent site style, good site activity, nice enough smilies and you've not just shoved things like stats at the top of the page, so well done. Oh, and it's a good idea, like you've done to keep the amount of forums down when your site is new, so congrats again.