Originally Posted by tweb
The collapse_tcat.gif image doesn't change even if the block isn't colapsed. And can you make it to take the collapse_tcat.gif and collapse_thead_collapsed.gif from the current skin folder(now it's take it from the default vBulletin style)?

Open the file "product-nominate_topic.xml", using Wordpad.
Search for: "images/buttons/collapse_tcat.gif"
Replace with "$stylevar[imgdir_buttons]/collapse_tcat.gif"
This should take the image from your current skin and not from the default.
Feedback change taken into account for the next version. :up:
Originally Posted by maidos
oh yeah it works now thanks alot..
also i just nominated one thread but the poll still doesnt update the latest vote
Ensure that you did run the cron properly. It must add a new table column "pollid" (to a nominate_topic_thread table) and initialise it with the current poll id. If it persist, do a clean install:
Clean install:
1. Remove product
2. Delete thread that was automatically created (vB will also delete the poll and poll votes)
3. Re-import the product
4. Run the cron file