I just would like to get help for a problem which affect me after upgrading to 3.7.1.
The problem is (now) that on certain posts (the ones with a single line of writing) a "</div>" tag is appended to the end of the message and posted into the database, as part of the post.
About the same happens when editing posts throught the advanced interface: if with the inline ajax editor all goes ok, when editing with this advanced interface a "</div>" tag is appended to the end of any post.
Some data:
- PHP 5.1.6
- MYSQL 5.0.42.x
- The support ticket team said that this happens with the template I use (custom, based on kirsh) and not with the default template
- Both with plugins enabled or disabled this happens
- If I turn the WYSIWYG editor off, everything is OK
Any other forum admin has the same problem ?
I see this problem only after gone to 3.7.1, as well as it could be with 3.7.0 (no idea).
Can you help me ?
I tried to edit the "editpost" and the "editor_smiliesbox" template and replaced with the default template.
Also: the "</div>" tag at the end of the post is posted in the database as part of the post (as said before) and it's a STRING, it's not a "hidden" HTML tag.