Originally Posted by GetWebHost
I'm confused with the license of this mod. The license says "Noncommercial. You may not use this work for commercial purposes." Does it mean that we cannot use this mod in a site where I charge my member for a fee (through VB subscription) to download something?
DownloadsII v5 is a derivate from Ronin's ecDownloads (which was removed from vB.org due to security issues). We needed to respect his license, which was this Creative Commons thing.
As v6 will be a full recode, it will have our own "license" (normal copyright) with no more commercial restriction.
Originally Posted by ptwiggens
Yes, it would. You don't generally keep people in the dark about how something is coming along. He could post in here "It's taking longer than I thought, but it's coming soon" and that would quell the fears that this isn't going to happen. That's what other developers do.
Would anyone like to share the cost of getting this updated as well as possibly adding features people want?
"It's taking longer than I thought, but it's coming soon"
Getting it ready in three days after my exams was a bit too difficult. I dropped out some unfinished stuff and moved it to v6.1 (for example the use of the datastore cache) and now I'm finishing the last bits (integration of the new extension management in the upload/download mechanism and the new search). Most of the stuff is already ready and tested (for example the new report feature).