Originally Posted by Jeordie015
Shouldn't the style options be a single selection menu?
Also, you might want to resize the image you attached since we have to resize it using code to fit in the block. The image gets distorted when you do that.
Edit again: Actually, both images have to be resized via code, distorting them.
Edit 3: It still shows the block in the profile if you don't put anything in the profile field.
Correct. Sorry last night I was tired and probably should have released this mod today.
Basically both images have to be resized if used as a module on the right hand side. I will attach a better xfire logo later, but regarding the actual miniprofile, there is little possible to do bar manually adjust its size like ive done in the template SRC.
However, you are not restricted to use this mod only in the right hand side. You may use it in various locations, even as a new tab next to "Visitor Messages", "Friends", "About Me" etc should you wish.
Simply edit the member_info_xfire template and remove the
width="230" height="63"
from the miniprofile SRC.
Now go
ADMIN CP > Plugin Manager > xFire Profile Hack
Ensure the product is "vbulletin" for starters, and secondly in the PHP code find:
'hook_location' => 'profile_right_mini'
You may adjust the "profile_right_mini" to any of the following parameters:
'profile_left_first' (Will be displayed first in front of "Visitor Messages")
'profile_left_last' (Will be located last in the tabs after "Contact Info")
'profile_right_first' (Will be located first / top on the right)
'profile_right_mini' (Will be located after the mini stats block)
'profile_right_album' (Will be located after the albums block)
'profile_right_last' (Last block on right hand side)
Hope that helps, and sorry about the problems experienced. Ive updated the mod as above.