Originally Posted by rknight111
I checked around and cannot figure out how to make the chatbox so that registered members can see the pics that are in the shouts. Right now all they see is a X box, the mods and admin can see the pic though.
Which images ?
Originally Posted by 357Magnum
everytime I activate this my site starts throwing database errors like crazy. not solid db errors like it shuts off but throughout the day ill get about 100+
I have also tried limiting to a usergroup of about 15 people and it still does it.
anyone else having this problem or experienced and could offer tips?
How many shouts are you displaying in the chatbox ?
What is your refresh rate ?
Are you using a shared/free host ?
Originally Posted by hornstar1337
For a free shoutbox, this is superb, makes me consider switching from inferno over to this! nice work.