Well i just can't work this out, i have been over and over this but can't work out what im doing wrong.
I have vbookie installed on 3.7.2 and it seems to work fine, i have edited the permissions so i can post an event and i have edited the plugin with Paul M's code. And yet whenever i goto post a new event it simply creates the thread but no re-direct to all the other bet settings i need to do and nothing appears in the vbookie page.
Any ideas?
EDIT: IF i remove the IF statement it works:
$vbulletin->url = 'vbookie.php?' . $vbulletin->session->vars['sessionurl'] . "t=$newpost[threadid]&vbookieeventoptions=$newpost[vbookieeventoptions]&do=newevent";
eval(print_standard_redirect('redirect_postthanks_moderate', true, false));
So im guessing there is something wrong with vbookie detecting that the checkbox has been ticked. This is my template code:
<if condition="$show['vbookieevent']">
<fieldset class="fieldset">
<div style="padding:$stylevar[formspacer]px">
<div><label for="cb_postvbookieevent"><input type="checkbox" name="postvbookieevent" value="yes" id="cb_postvbookieevent" tabindex="1" $checked[postvbookieevent] />$vbphrase[yes_post_a_vbookieevent_thread]</label></div>