Originally Posted by KTBleeding
I'm not a big fan of your header. The red/blue/yellow just doesn't go together well.
However, I want to give you props for your CMS, and for not using vBulletin forums to display all of your content / articles / videos / etc. That's more than what 90% of these review threads do.
The footer is really cluttered. May want to think about reducing the ad space down there to a smaller number. I can't imagine it looking clean at all with 20 different ads on there.
Other than that, I think it's a little weird having the domain name with "forums" in it, when the site is actually more than just forums. But that's me..
Overall 8 / 10... (which is a lot coming from me)
Thanks a ton. What do you think would be a better color combination for the header?