Originally Posted by ssslippy
The new thread button needs to be a drop down menu that automatically check vs forum permisions otherwise u arnt saving any queries and minor bandwith.
You could have a dropdown menu, just like the forum jump menu, but if you wanted to check permissions and display a selective list of forums, you'd be adding at least one query (I think) to *every* pageview on your site.
The way it is currently set up does save clicks. The process to post is alway 2 clicks whereas currently, you have to go to the forumhome, click on a forum, then click new post (minimum 3 clicks, or more if the forum you want to post in is a sub-forum).
Also, the point isn't to save queries, it's to make a more logical user interface.
I'm going to look into the option of making it a popup menu as well. If it doesn't add a lot of overhead to all pageviews, it's a good idea.