Originally Posted by soulface
Nice mod, installed. How about an option like; We'll be able to nominate most topic/post nominated/winner users as Member Of the Month ?
This will be perfect.
Will test it in the holodeck and likely implement it if the risk of users misusing it is low.
Originally Posted by verino
sorry, forgot to inform you : that was before upgrade.
Conditions with v1.0 :
- the quick links for TOTM leads to blank page
- done with the instruction step, and nothing in the TOTM forum to see.
- when withdraw, leads to database error
With v1.01 :
- Create TOTW after upgrade (re-upload all the files and re-install the product) and following instruction step, the TOTW works. see this link
- quick links works. But when no TOTW/TOTM it gives : could not find phrase ' ' - . I guess this is because it's empty ?
- withdraw works fine.
Done with the report 
Thanks for letting me know. Any suggestion for further improvement is welcome.