Originally Posted by J98680B2423E
Please confirm the following:
1. You have the product installed properly
2. You did add one or more nominee(s) (clicked on the "nomination button")
3. You are now trying to withdraw one of those nominees, which leads you to the database error?
- no 1 confirmed
- no 2 confirmed
- no 3 : tried to withdraw all nominees in 1 thread, and it leads to database error.
Before I can't see the nominee thread in the TOTM room, but now :
- I run weekly nomination.
- Specify the ID of the forum that will receive threads containing results of the nomination contest. --> done
- Specify the user ID of the nomination thread owner. For this setting to have any effect, it must be set to a valid User ID. If not valid, the action will fall back to the default option. ---> done
Had nominate 1 thread in a forum and now I can see the nominated thread in TOTM forum.
So far so good, but haven't tried to withdraw