Hi Everyone..
Been a long time since I revisited my own modification. I've been working heavily and haven't had much time to do much of anything programming wise. I just now got back into gaming and have been designing a custom Age of Conan vbulletin theme skin and also creating a new recruitment application form for that game. I still play World of Warcraft, but only on a very limited basis.
The two biggest issues I think most folks have been talking about here are the new security token issues with 3.7x. I saw a fix outlined here and yes, that works fine. I've fixed it for the AoC recruitment app but I wanted to touch base with some other areas of this one.
I will more than likely update the WoW recruitment form for 3.7x as I place the AoC one up.
If anyone has suggestions for the upcoming changes, please post them here and I'll be looking at things to come.
My new AoC guild site is located at
http://praetorianknights.net . Check it out if you want to.