hey thanks for the mod.
couple of questions:
1) how can I add direct link to flv files?
I mean, I would like to view youtube videos on my forum, but I would also like to view my custom made flv videos. When I paste "http:\\whatever.com/video.flv" in between the BB code nothing happens.
2) How can I embed High Quality you tube videos?
I have uploaded some videos on youtube that are only watchable in High Quality. How can I make the custom player, play those High Quality videos?
that is a link to normal quality video
that is a link to high quality video.
3) wold it be possible to let the video player adjust to the size of the video? Right now the dimensions are H:344 W:425.
If I upload a video thats H:480 W:640 the video player should show the video in its true size.
4) great mod! Props!