Originally Posted by Dr.H
I'm using vb 3.7.2 and your 1.91.
Youtube videos play fine but flv videos I'm having a hard time with. People can't figure out how to show them, instead there is just a big "M" and nothing loads. Videos like these for example http://www.escapistmagazine.com/vide...ro-punctuation Is their anything I need to do to get flv files to load?
If it's a flv file you just post the link and hit reply. That site you linked to would required a new site file. It doesn't just give you think link to the flv file.
Originally Posted by RedGTiVR6
Good as far as I can tell.
I do have an issue when someone wraps a link to a PDF with the media tags though.
It turns it into a box with the words Highslide JS in it as the link.
Is that normal?
Do you have a link or SS?