Originally Posted by GraNdMaStEr-B
I'm less then about 3 days old in doing this so please bare with me as i'm teaching my self.
When it ask
Could someone please dummy it down alittle for me and explain were i can find this and once I do find this what do I do after?
Unzip the file that you downloaded from above. You will see 2 folders - clientscript and images - upload the contents of each of those folders into the clientscript and images folders on your site by FTP. The 2 .php files are uploaded into the main directory (where you see your admincp, modcp folders, functions.php file, etc.
Then go into your Admin panel - Plugins and Products - Manage Products - Add/Import product, find the product-fractalizer_ajaxreg.xml file and upload.
Then go to