Originally Posted by kris
AndrewD , thank you this MOD (add-on) very well done.
I was hopping to find one thing in configuration that I would like to have on my very large board , but it looks like you dont have it yet. It a possibilities of using your add-on to sync all user attachments (old and new) to special category, if its possible please let me know how ? if its not so may be you can add this to your future version. I have 20GB of users attachments (mostly jpegs) stored on the hard disk that they uploaded to my forum posts for over 8 years and I would like to have some kind of interface to view and manage them.
Thanks. This is not there at the moment, but it's a feature that I have been meaning to write for some time, and will probably do so in the near future. One question - are your attachments stored on file or in the database?