Originally Posted by chtdatweb
Just tried to install it, got to the section where i have to register for a token and clicked the link: http://zoints.com/forum.zforum.z but im getting a 404 error. So thought i would register for a profile and then click the "token" link but got "insufficient privileges" am i doing something wrong here?
As it was correctly mentioned by Captain Tycoon, that is an error on our part that should be corrected in the next update. Thanks for letting us know!
Originally Posted by Lady Divus
Wanted to share my profile view from my site...Thank you Zoints!
Looking good Lady Drivus, we like to see that.
Originally Posted by fernas
I have just translated all Zoints Local to Spanish and I want to share it with you. If you find any translate error, let me know.
He traducido al espa?ol el Zoints Local y quiero compartirlo con todos. Si encuentras alg?n error de traducci?n, h?zmelo saber.
Great Hack!! 
That's terrific fernas. Would you mind posting your translation here too:
Thank you for going to the trouble to translate and being willing to share with the community.
Originally Posted by 7lanet
I responded to your ticket with us in regards to this but I will share this with others too. The album file is an old file that simply allows your users to enter in a URL to an album to redirect guests to. So it's not a true photo album. If however you would like to use it, please download the following file and upload it to your /z/ folder.
Originally Posted by Jase2
Hi Zoints,
This looks interesting. Just to clarify, is this just like a "big" database for social networking, a bit like Facebook, Bebo, ect ect ? Can we also keep the 3.7 members profiles?
-- Jason
Hi Jase,
It's relatively big, not a Facebook sized network of course though. And yes you certainly can keep the 3.7 profiles, you can even have as one of the user pages enabled called Forum Profile which links directly to the builtin vB profile.
- Reid