Originally Posted by IR15H
Is this normal behaviour?;
This was obtained by nominating a star entry, then changing to nominate a different entry. I expected it to only save the latest, current, nominated entry.
It records them all, but only counts a user's most recent nomination per period. That way, it continues to work correctly if the admin changes his/her mind about the collection period, e.g. decides to switch from months to weeks.
Originally Posted by IR15H
The comments/rating count only registers the number of different users who comment/rate, it doesn't account for the same user posting more than once;

This is true. Fixing this in an efficient manner requires a slight change to the database structure, which I have put off making. I was thinking of making version 2.3.0 an 'efficiency' release, with points like this addressed.
Originally Posted by IR15H
If I enable the hide-magnifier extra, with a local_file_root_prefix set, then I receive the following error at the top of any page containing an external image (for use as thumbnail);
Warning: getimagesize(Local File Root Prefix/http://www.somesite.com/image.png) [function.getimagesize]: failed to open stream: Invalid argument in [path]\includes\local_links_include.php(3190) : eval()'d code on line 8
OK, will fix in the next 2.2.9 upload.
Originally Posted by IR15H
The upload permissions don't appear to follow those set in forum/admincp/attachmentpermission.php. I prevented all users from uploading png's, but was still able to upload a png using a regular Registered User's account;
Have I set something wrong?
The code in its current form does not check against those vb per-filetype permissions- I'm not sure - are these a relatively recent extension to vbulletin? I'll add it to the list of things to do, maybe 2.2.9 or 2.3.0.
Originally Posted by IR15H
I found the description of autocreate_active a bit confusing - "Automatic forum announcement of new entries enabled". I originally thought it'd make an actual announcement, not a thread.
OK, will change the wording in next 2.2.9 upload
Originally Posted by IR15H
How would I go about making ldm_post_addrating_title follow the default format of Re: Thread Title (as defined in ADMIN CP > vBulletin Options > Message Posting and Editing Options >Automatically Quote Post / Thread Title). I tried editing the phrase to RE: {1}, but that appears as Re: %1$s in the actual thread.
This requires a minor change to the code, which I will make available in the next 2.2.9 in the next few days.