The SubForum List is displayed in a HTML Table with just the one element [I refer to it as the SubForum Outer Box (table) formatting]. Inside that is another HTML Table [I refer to it as the SubForum Table (table) formatting]. Each cell in that table contains a SubForum name that can have further formatting applied [I refer to it as the SubForum Element (td) formatting].
By working with the first two formatting options you can easily generate a display with or without grid lines with various degrees of spacing. The third formatting option lets you change the SubForum name display.
Enter the formatting here... (ie : Set a different font)
Sorky - SubForum List Control - V1.2.0
. SubForum list Formatting
. SubForum Element (td) formatting
Adjust the table formatting here... (ie : Remove the spacing & padding)
Sorky - SubForum List Control - V1.2.0
. SubForum list Formatting
. SubForum Table (table) formatting