Originally Posted by Digital Jedi
That's because there is no directory called photoplog/forums.php. Not unless you have a forum installed in a directory on your server called photoplog, which I suspect is highly unlikely.
Find the script at the beginning of post two of this thread, copy it and save it to a PHP file and upload it to your forum's root directory. Then navigate to that file in your browser and that's what you should put into your config file.
i have this error but only when i click on the UPLOAD or SEARCH link within the photoblog main link which would be the index.php. kinda of weird, and i used the script to make sure the path is right. Any ideas on what to do. im looking at the link and it shows:
hxxp: www. MYSITE.com/photoblog so its missing the forums folder which would indicate where the search and upload files are. any ideas?