Originally Posted by SemperFideles
Is there some sort of trick to the megaupload to get it to host a file? Do I need a premium account with them?
I updated this mod and tried testing out the MEGAUPLOAD feature by uploading a 890K exe file into a post and it began uploading it. It estimated the time at a few seconds, got to the end of uploading the file, and then has displayed "Finishing, Please Wait" for over 6 minutes. When I finally gave up and pressed submit for the thread, it locked up my browser.
Obviously it's not your "fault" because it's the MEGAUPLOAD iframe that seems stuck but do you know how this thing is supposed to work and what its limitations are? There is no documentation in this thread on what I should tell my users about the operation of this feature. I'd like to be able to warn my users what this thing is doing and what happens when they press "Get your own filebox".
You do not require a premium account to upload, if you did I would never have added MEGAUPLOAD to this hack.
I just provide an easy way to integrate it into your site, but if you are having problems with the actual MEGAUPLOAD box itself, then you will really need to contact MEGAUPLOAD about it, because as you yourself stated, it is MEGAUPLOAD's embedded flash object that is giving you the problem, not this integration.
As to documentation on how to use the MEGAUPLOAD and Imageshack embedded boxes, their sites (links in the 1st post) should have adequte documentation/FAQs etc. I am only providing instructions on how to use the vBulletin integration and not the embedded boxes themselves.