Originally Posted by OsideRida06
Yes, you are viewing the code that I have been messing around with. Everything was displaying just fine before I started messing it. Everything but the tab content that is. The whats going on, the albums, and everything were perfectly lined up. The reason the table codes were in there when you viewed it, is because I have been trying to put them in tables. But it's not working properly.
Don't know what to tell ya. I don't have access to your FORUMHOME Template and it contains multiple MOD edits (not just this one). I am running Kerry Ann's USC, Cybs Forum Stats just fine with this and it displays just fine in both IE and FF. I've installed this with USC and the Album Mod, Chat, stats etc and they all play nice together.
The template code <!- MAIN on the FORUMHOME with this is the same exact code that the default forumhome uses, so unless you are putting something extra in, it will work just fine.. that's why I mentioned that you must have something "extra" that is breaking the layout.
Why not post your entire FORUMHOME Template so that someone can look at it and maybe see whats causing it? You ask for help, but don't give anyone anything to look at (and sorry, viewing the source code only goes so far, it doesn't have any template conditionals or variables) ... I'll look at it when I get time if you provide it (either post or PM)