I didn't see the vbblog handled here so i thought I'd share this. It's out of some code I use and it may help. I dunno, your mileage may vary. But this turns off the blog stuff that may send email.
PHP Code:
// blog
$blog[subscribeothers] = 'none';
$blog[subscribeown] = 'none';
$isblog = $db->query_first("SELECT productid FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "product WHERE productid='vbblog'");
if($isblog[productid] == 'vbblog')
$blogman =& datamanager_init('Blog_User', $vbulletin, ERRTYPE_CP);
if ($bloguserinfo = $db->query_first("
SELECT bloguserid
FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "blog_user
WHERE bloguserid = $buser['userid']
$blogman->set('bloguserid', $buser['userid']);
$blogman->set('subscribeown', $blog['subscribeown']);
$blogman->set('subscribeothers', $blog['subscribeothers']);
I grabbed the most obvious userID var from the hack, pretty sure that's the one to use.
I dunno if ya need any includes or not to use this in this hack or the best place to insert it. I'm just making a suggestion. Most of the queries can be eliminated using the datamanager too if ya ever update.
Cool hack antivirus.