Restrict selected images to usergroup?
I'd like to create posts with images in-line (embedded?) in the post. The images need to be hosted on the same web site as the vB forum. The images must be viewable by only members of a few selected vB usergroups, and hidden to others, when typing in directory URL's and such.
The post would contain some text, then a 640 x 480 image, some more text, another image. etc. I don't really need fancy resizing or scroll bars.
Ok, the [IMG] bbcode works great, except for the image permissions/security aspect. These images have to viewable only by a few usergroups that have been created for other things.
The permissions on the forums for these threads (and posts) is already set up so only the preferred usergroups can view the thread contents. But I'm not sure how to deal with the images; if the images are stored in a directory in the vB tree, they could be viewed by others. Is there a way to store them outside the web site folder and restrict permissions to the web server process?
vB attachments won't work, the images must be in-line with the text.
Only the site admin needs the capability to load these secured images or author posts with these secured images, not any other user.
The site is 3.6.x with vBA CMPS. I can't tell if 3.7x or plug-ins offer the capability.
I'd appreciate suggestions on approaches.
Thanks in advance.