Hi - I have put
tabbed pages on my forum, in an effort to reduce the searching time and confusion for members on a reasonably large site
look here. However I would like to set up a non tabbed page (skin) to use as the default (and only) skin for guests.
IE I don't want guests to view the tabbed pages, only one big page the way the forums used to be before I put on the tabs.
I have set up the page (skin) all ready to go, but can't find a way of making it the default view for guests. Thought it would be something that was easily done but I guess not. At vBulletin.com I was told it was too difficult and to look over here.
Have found a couple of hacks
Restrict Styles to Usergroup and
Force Style for Selected Users or Groups and neither work for me.
I would have thought this to be something that's pretty easily done but from what I've seen it seems to be a bit in the too hard basket.
Is there anyone who has an answer or can help me.
Cheers - Neil