Originally Posted by Baldilocks
All that says is: From {1} to {2}
I want to get rid of the first from message: FRM: yourboard.com - board descritpion". It isn't needed because right after that is another "From: User at yourboard.com - board description".
Really needs to be an easy way to edit those out.
The first "FRM" you're describing is the headers the cell phone company receives from your server for the email. The second one is the subject of the message. There's no way to change the first one except for manually specifying headers somehow, but I didn't provide that because most cell companies ignore the headers and provide a "From" address of either a random number, or your hosting account's base email.
In your case, either remove the smsmembersubject phrase, or deal with it for that carrier as there's nothing that can be done except trying to manually set headers and see if that does anything. But like I said, not all carriers are going to display that way so it's probably a bad idea to get rid of the phrase.