Originally Posted by comicus
I can see the advantages of a mod like this, but I am very protective of my site members' privacy, security, etc. A mod that asks them to input their email address and password might not go over very well. Also, I'd hate to have people start pointing fingers (falsely) at me or my site if they ended up having some sort of totally unrelated/coincidental security breech ya know?
Not trying to knock the mod. Like I said, it looks like it would be very useful. What are your thoughts on my security concerns, though? Am I overlooking something? Is this not a risk? Thanks!
you are right... as far as security is concerned, myspace, hi5 and so many well known websites using this... why??? people don't scare of giving their personal login there??
because this script doesn't store that user's e-mail id or password or his contacts in any kinda database or files by any means!!! so its totally secured unless script owner use it as a phisher!! getting??
now about prevention issue of already registered users :
basically i've made this script to work with all kinda websites!! not just for VB!! so i don't think i will make such addition so soon... but i will definitely release it in future!!
but if you think you wanna do it then feel free to grab clean php code and work on it