Don't forget the template SHOWTHREAD_SHOWPOST

(added the script to load on that as well myself : ) , just a heads up)
I like this script and if you want to change how it works people, then
you should edit the javascript file, as that both contains which size it
resizes the image to, by default 500x500, and also a default message.
Snip of what resizevbimg.js includes:
var vbimgcodeResizeMsg = 'Resized image! Click for original size!';
var vbimgcodeWidthMax = 500;
var vbimgcodeWidthSizeTo = 500;
To make it resize to maybe 600x 600 and the message: "Click here to enlarge the image" :
var vbimgcodeResizeMsg = 'Click here to enlarge the image';
var vbimgcodeWidthMax = 600;
var vbimgcodeWidthSizeTo = 600;
It's very simple and you shouldn't ask the dev to do this easy work : )