Pretty good Idea. Especial for me as an Admin because I will get PN incl. the Text immediately.
Two Issus.
It is not possible that a User send me an SMS direct.
I do allow that in my profile (and eMail also) but the User is getting an Error Message.
After you let the Software send you the test message on the next page there is no link. You see what should be the link and the Text but you can’t click on it only copy that in your browser.
The test message was sent successfully. < a href="profile.php?do=editphonenum">Click here to continue.
For Germany you should make some changes:
Let the “preemail” Field empty
Put in the “email”
Tested and working.
Mannesmann Mobilfunk:
Called now Vodafone (a couple of years)
Let the “preemail” Field empty
Put in the “email”
NOT tested, regarding Website
Let the “preemail” Field empty
Put in the “email” @smsmail.eplus.de
NOT tested,