Originally Posted by Mark.B
I have been thinking about this issue for if I ever moved to the built in tags, and I reckon the only way to solve this without having dead links in search engines would be to keep Zoints Tags installed but edit the templates/plugins so that the tag boxes etc don't show up. That way all new tags would be done via the vB system, but any old Zoints tags links in Google etc would still work.
This is exactly what I have done - we'd been using Zoints tags since it was released so it has been well indexed by the various search engines. Overall I've been quite pleased with Zoints tags but I always prefer, if at all possible, to use a built-in version of a feature so I decided to move over to the built-in version. (I still prefer Zoints tags, if I was rating it I'd give it a 7 out of 10 for ease of use and features and the built-in one only a 5.)
I've stripped Zoints tags out of all the templates and removed all direct links to it but left it working in the background and it appears to work fine, old indexed links via Zoints tags are still valid so no page errors.