Originally Posted by bryanb
Something weird going on on my board.
I've been using this mod for quite some time now, and I've never seen this before. A couple of times, someone has thanked another member and this appears:
The Following 4,294,967,295 Users Say Thank You to (user's name) For This Useful Post
(I've replaced the "user's name" here.)
Now I don't have +4 billion users, and after removing the user's thanks - the statement remains under the "thanked" post.
I can't seem to replicate this anywhere. It's only happened a couple of times.
I'm using Thanks 7.6 on vBull 3.71 PL2
Please help. Thanks!
Any ideas on this?? It keeps happening. Any assistance would be appreciated. Thanks!
I'm now using 3.7.2