Originally Posted by juzernie
another quick question. i got this message which says,
"Possible inconsistencies between LDM and its environment
- upload_max_filesize 64M > post_max_size 10M in php.ini file - Large uploads may fail without warning"
all i know is the upload max file size is bigger than the post max size. what is the difference between these 2 and is there any setting which i can amend to get rid of the message?
These are parameters in the php.ini file which controls your web server. They both place limits on the maximum size of uploads. There is a potential problem when post_max_size is smaller than upload_max_filesize. If a user tries to upload a file that is bigger than post_max_size but smaller than upload_max_filesize, some versions of php are unable to give proper error messages. The solution is that post_max_size should be set to a value that is bigger than upload_max_filesize