Originally Posted by txsbmw
Sorry, donation list is showing correctly but if you look at the donation bar that is what is showing incorrectly. It shows we have received like 700+ in donations for this year which you can see from the donation list is WAY off! LOL. I only wish we had received that much this year! LOL.
Now I see it

Let me look at code and see what is up.
Weird code is identical for both list and bar not sure what is causing that. Downloading site version to see if it is same as mine. I do small fixes and updates preparing for next release so may have fixed it just not public ally released let me check.
Found problem
Go to Donation System LITE Menu/Bar Plugin and find this:
PHP Code:
if ($DSL['setting']['dsl_bar_reset']=='1'){$dsl_bar_reset_time="AND date_format(from_unixtime(payment_date),'%m%y')='".date('my',time())."'";
$dsl_bar_reset_time_sub=" AND date_format(from_unixtime(paymenttransaction.dateline),'%m%y')='".date('my',time())."'";}
elseif ($DSL['setting']['ds_bar_reset']=='2') {$dsl_bar_reset_time="AND date_format(from_unixtime(payment_date),'%y')='".date('y',time())."'";
$dsl_bar_reset_time_sub=" AND date_format(from_unixtime(paymenttransaction.dateline),'%m%y')='".date('my',time())."'";}
You will notice I accidentally put in PRO value and not LITE value for the second if statement.
Just search for this:
and change too
It needs the "l" to signify lite