I want people who want to register to have to receive email before they show registered. I'm having spammers attempt to register overnite and they show on the homepage as OUR NEWEST MEMBER. I receive an email they are registering, but I have to go in and manually delete them from the members. They are not posting, thank goodness.
Then, sometimes when I have a real member join, they show up on the homepage as a NEWEST MEMBER on the bottom, but if I go to check their usergroup, it says "users awaiting email confirmation". But if I look in that Usergroup, there are "no matches" and "go back" is all I can do. Then at other times, new members register,they are in the usergroup correctly as in Users awaiting email confirmation, I send them the email and it's all fine.
Thanks for your help!
3.6.8...haven't gotten the nerve to up to 3.7.2 yet.