Originally Posted by Dismounted
I do these things in my spare time. Do you think I have truck loads of time? And especially to do things for free?
Trust me, if I had the time to do it, I would.
Dismounted, don't take my words so serious

We all now that free time is not free and is not time

I also don't have that one so I 100% understand you.
But you have to agree with me that if no one will encourage us than we can forgot about such phrase as "free time".
People just love this modification and that it why they boring you
Originally Posted by trophygrl
is it possible to use this version in 3.7.1?
Official version 1.2 doesn't work with 3.6.10 and 3.7.*
None Official version 1.3 attached in post
#1447697 works with 3.6.10 and 3.7.*.