Originally Posted by Mike-D
I just happened to see that Thread and some Posts regarding the problem, that the extra navbar doesn't appear in all sections (PhotoPlog, vBAdvanced, Arcade...). My Code is different than yours but I still use the same Plugins. What you have to do is as follows...
Create an new Plugin with the Hook "global_start" and its Code as below...
HTML Code:
<plugin active="1" executionorder="5">
<title>navbar2 plugin part #2</title>
<phpcode><![CDATA[$insert = '$navbar2';
// Insert above Info into Template 'navbar'
$vbulletin->templatecache['navbar'] = str_replace($insert,$insert.fetch_template('navbar2'),$vbulletin->templatecache['navbar']);]]></phpcode>
After you should remove the Plugin with the Hook "parse_templates" because it doesn't need anymore. Now it works in all sections 
The vBAdvance CMPS all you have to do it add ?navbar2? to the Portal Output Global Variables in the control panel.
It is pretty much the same for the arcade. You only have to add ?$navbar2? to your
I can not speak for PhotPlog because I have never heard anyone complain about that one so I have never had a reason to look into it.
I know in the older versions of this hack that I made placing this code in ?global_start? did not fix the problem and that is why I switch hook location.
If someone with arcade wants to verify this by removing ?$navbar2? from there
arcade/functions/functions.php and then adding this code I will rewrite the plugin and add this code to it. Like I said in the past though this would not work in previous versions so before adding the code again to the plugin I would need someone else to verify it. It is not that I do not trust you. I just want a second person verifying this before I add the code to this hack because I do not have arcade on any of my sites. My sites are not gaming sites.