I have changed his name to a friendly name on aim so no one can pm him telling him that i mentioned that he had an exploit for this. But this is the conversation i had with him it's 1:22 central time as i post this.
NEO (1:11:12 PM): lolz
soulweaver2006 (1:11:18 PM): ok
NEO (1:11:22 PM): Thats german
NEO (1:11:29 PM): to that song
NEO (1:11:30 PM): fortuna
iDeVoUrEdu1337 (1:11:42 PM): very nice man that kids a ++++ing jackass glad you took it down
NEO (1:11:55 PM): lolz
NEO (1:12:00 PM): kid was a 16 year old wannabe
NEO (1:12:09 PM): that ran his mouth a little to much
iDeVoUrEdu1337 (1:12:10 PM): lol yea i hear that
iDeVoUrEdu1337 (1:13:35 PM): i am going to school for networking and all that good stuff and i have been hacking for awhile
NEO (1:13:44 PM): lolz
NEO (1:13:53 PM): I don't hack for serious notes, i hack to prove i can "/>
NEO (1:13:55 PM): for fun
soulweaver2006 (1:14:00 PM): lol
soulweaver2006 (1:14:01 PM): ass hole
NEO (1:14:02 PM): Ruining peoples lives in my main goal
NEO (1:14:06 PM): is*
NEO (1:14:26 PM): btw soul
NEO (1:14:38 PM): Chmod my deeznuts, and you can execute them "/>
iDeVoUrEdu1337 (1:14:42 PM): yea i got banned from my friends house for hacking his older brothers network b/c he thought i was talking out of my ass
soulweaver2006 (1:15:06 PM): yo
soulweaver2006 (1:15:08 PM): neo
NEO (1:15:15 PM): i hack my own site to find vulns
NEO (1:15:16 PM): and shit
soulweaver2006 (1:15:25 PM): can we have that exploit for the ae detector
NEO (1:15:30 PM): Lolz..
NEO (1:15:33 PM): Naw dawgy
soulweaver2006 (1:15:41 PM): come on lol
NEO (1:15:49 PM): It's unreleased, And i would like to keep it that way.
soulweaver2006 (1:15:50 PM): i wanna do it to some one
NEO (1:16:12 PM): lol
NEO (1:16:15 PM): if my exploit gets out
NEO (1:16:18 PM): sites all over the world
NEO (1:16:20 PM): will go down
soulweaver2006 (1:16:30 PM): i won't release it dude
soulweaver2006 (1:16:32 PM): if i do
soulweaver2006 (1:16:37 PM): you know you can own me
NEO (1:16:37 PM): You can still log into admin accounts and shit
NEO (1:16:41 PM): even if the mod is disabled
NEO (1:16:41 PM): cause
NEO (1:16:44 PM): its still installed "/>
NEO (1:17:11 PM): I only did it to prove my point to you "/>
NEO (1:17:16 PM): Point proven, Subject closed.
soulweaver2006 (1:19:39 PM): eh
soulweaver2006 (1:19:40 PM): u suck
NEO (1:19:47 PM): sorry
NEO (1:19:49 PM): im stingy
soulweaver2006 (1:19:52 PM): it's cool
soulweaver2006 (1:19:55 PM): i understand
soulweaver2006 (1:19:56 PM): but
soulweaver2006 (1:19:58 PM): you do know
soulweaver2006 (1:20:03 PM): if i released it
soulweaver2006 (1:20:13 PM): you would be able to rip my site apart