Enhance Wordpress with vbulletin
Hi there,
i've a few questions, specially the integration vbulletin and wordpress.
I run a worpdress blog at the moment. I like worpress and now i want to enhance it with few new features like a fully integrated forum.
There are different options but in the past i used a vbulletin so i want to give the new one a try.
I found the vbulletin bridge, which is very useful for this project but is a fully integration possible, not only for the users? I know i can integrate the vbulletin threads, posts by RSS.
Is there a possibility to integrate the polls too? I didn't find sth. similar.
In short i need sth. of the following:
- Integration of users (clear)
- Integration of the login form in wordpress header (open)
- Integration of polls in wordpress sidebar (open)
- Integration of the vbulletin forum as page with wordpress sidebar (open)
The easiest way is using the global variables of vbulletin in combination with the wordpress variables.
Maybe there are ways to do that, but the search function wasn't a good help for all of my questions.
If this is possible i think that vbulletin is a great enhancement for my blog.
As wordpress is the most used blog platform, it would be a good idea for a complete plugin to make an integration as easy as possible. Many more people would then use vbulletin i think. Maybe you think about it.
Thx for your support.